The Best App for Powerlifters

  • A.I. powered, personalized programming
  • Multiple in-gym tools
  • Workout tracker
  • And more!

Try it now!


“Whether you’re a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or just want to make gains, you need this app.”

5-star review from mike00393 on the app store


A.I. Powered Personalized Programs

Programs built for powerlifters and powered by A.I.

Fully customizable, with an intake questionnaire for maximum personalization.

Adjusts to you in real time.

“A much needed app for powerlifters, the amount of conveniences this app provides is unspeakable. From the kilo plate calculator to the weight converter, this app has changed the way I trained. This app has speed up my training sessions by tenfold. Truly a remarkable app that was long needed for the sport.”

5-star review from QuantumVii on the app store


Workout Tracker Built for Powerlifters

Exercise library built specifically for powerlifters.

Automatically log your workouts from the A.I. programming.

Build and log custom workouts.

Used globally by 10,000+ powerlifters!


Simple Macro Tracker

Easily track your macros.

Add custom items for quick additions.

Helpful charts to ensure you are on target.

“The tools, layout, and functions in this app are second to none. Complete game changer for crushing my fitness goals!”

5-star review from WeavFit on the app store


Best-In-Class Plate Loader

Both normal and reverse plate loader.

Customizable inventory for what you have on hand.

Calculations for both LB and KG.

“I used to pay $150 a month for a coach but with this app I get everything I did from a coach and more.”

5-star review from EasyCoastBeastCoast13 on the App Store


And a whole lot more!

  • Extensive Video Library
  • 1RM Calculator
  • PR Calculator
  • Weight Converter
  • Scores Calculator (WILKS, DOTS, IPF, and more!)

Start today to begin reaching your goals!