Bench Dips | How to Perform Bench Dips | Powerlift Pro App

Start by placing a bench or chair behind you. Sit on the edge of the bench and place your hands on the edge next to your hips, fingers pointing forward. Extend your legs in front of you, with your feet flat on the floor.

Slide your hips off the bench and straighten your arms, keeping your hands on the bench and your feet on the floor. Your knees should be slightly bent.

Lower your body by bending your elbows, allowing them to flare out to the sides. Keep your torso upright and your chest out. Descend until your upper arms are parallel to the ground or until you feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest.

Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, then push yourself back up by straightening your elbows, focusing on using your triceps to push yourself up.

Fully extend your elbows at the top of the movement, but avoid locking out your elbows.

Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Important tips:

Keep your core engaged and your body straight throughout the exercise.
Avoid using momentum or swinging to move your body. Focus on controlled movements.
Breathe out as you push yourself up and breathe in as you lower yourself down.
Focus on feeling the tension and contraction in your triceps throughout the exercise.
If you find bench dips challenging, you can modify the exercise by bending your knees and placing your feet closer to your body or using an assisted dip machine. As you get stronger, you can progress to more challenging variations or add extra weight.