Comp Bench Press | How to Perform Comp Bench Press | Powerlift Pro App

The competition bench press is performed according to the rules and standards of powerlifting competitions. It involves specific techniques and commands that ensure uniformity and fairness in judging. Here’s a simple explanation of how to perform a competition-style bench press:

Set up: Begin by lying flat on a bench, positioning yourself so that your eyes are aligned with the barbell. Place your feet firmly on the ground, creating a stable base (some federations allow you to raise your heel but check with the federation you are competing in). Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle or the angle that works for you. Ensure that the bench is set to the appropriate height and that the barbell is centered over your body.

Grip: Reach up and grip the barbell with an overhand grip or an underhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Ensure that your hands are balanced and symmetrical on the bar. The specific grip width will depend on your comfort and the rules of the competition.

Handoff and Start Command:
If you have a spotter or handler, they will assist in handing off the barbell to you. Communicate with them to ensure a smooth handoff.
Once you are in position and have a secure grip on the barbell, wait for the start command from the judge (usually “Start” but in federations like RPS they will say “Bench”). The start command will typically be “Start” or a similar signal.

Descending Phase:
Take a deep breath, engage your core, and brace your abs.
Lower the barbell towards your chest in a controlled manner, maintaining proper form and control.
The barbell should touch your chest or come very close to it. The specific rules and requirements may vary depending on the competition, but generally, the barbell must make contact with the chest and be motionless before the ascent.

Ascending Phase:
Once the barbell is motionless on your chest, you will receive the command to press it back up to the starting position (usually “Press”).
Push through your palms, engaging your chest, shoulders, lats, and triceps to drive the barbell upward.
Maintain control and stability throughout the movement.
Fully extend your arms at the top of the movement, but avoid locking out your elbows completely.

Rack Command and Finish:
Once you have completed the lift and fully extended your arms, wait for the rack command from the judge (usually a command such as “Rack” or “Rack it”). Sometimes it is a good idea to let the spotters rack it for you so you do not get in the habit of racking it too early. The rack command will indicate that you can safely re-rack the barbell. Carefully re-rack the barbell, ensuring it is securely placed on the rack (or wait for the spotters to rack it for you like mentioned above).

Remember the following additional tips when performing a competition-style bench press:

Familiarize yourself with the specific rules and standards of the powerlifting competition you are participating in, as they may have slight variations in grip width, bar path, and other requirements.
Practice with proper form and technique, ensuring that you maintain a stable base, engage your core, and follow the commands consistently.
If you have any concerns about your form, technique, or the specific rules of the competition, consult with a powerlifting coach or experienced competitor who can provide guidance and help you prepare effectively.
Performing a competition-style bench press requires adherence to specific rules and standards to ensure fair judging. It’s essential to practice proper form and technique while also understanding and following the competition-specific guidelines.

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