WILKS/DOTS Score Calculator

Wondering how you stack up in the powerlifting world based on your best lifts? Then use the Powerlift Pro App Score Calculator and get a list of relevant powerlifting scores.

What is WILKS?

In powerlifting, the Wilks formula is a mathematical system used to compare the strength of lifters across different body weights, much like the DOTS system. It assigns a score (referred to as the Wilks score) based on a lifter’s body weight and their total weight lifted in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. The idea is to provide a fair comparison between lifters of different sizes by adjusting for body weight.

How the Wilks Formula Works:

  • Input: The formula takes a lifter’s body weight and their total weight lifted.
  • Calculation: It applies a coefficient based on body weight to calculate a Wilks score.
    • The score is derived from a set of coefficients in the formula, which differ for men and women.
    • The coefficients are used to normalize the total weight lifted, taking into account how body weight affects strength potential.

Example Use:

  • If two lifters of different body weights lift the same total, the Wilks formula would give a higher score to the lighter lifter, reflecting the difficulty of lifting that weight relative to their size.

Why It’s Used:

  • The Wilks score helps in competitions to determine the “best overall lifter” when lifters from different weight classes are competing against each other.


  • The Wilks formula was widely used in powerlifting for many years but has been increasingly replaced by newer systems like DOTS. The Wilks formula has received criticism for not being as accurate at comparing lifters at extreme body weights (very light or very heavy), leading to the development of these alternative systems.

What is DOTS?

In powerlifting, DOTS (Dynamic Objective Training System) is a formula used to compare the relative strength of powerlifters across different body weights. It assigns a score based on the lifter’s body weight and their total lifted weight (the sum of their best squat, bench press, and deadlift). The DOTS score is intended to level the playing field by taking into account the lifter’s weight, allowing for comparison between lifters of different sizes.

How it works:

  • The DOTS formula calculates a score using a lifter’s total weight lifted and their body weight. The score gives an indication of the lifter’s strength relative to their size.
  • The higher the DOTS score, the stronger the lifter is in relation to their body weight.

The DOTS formula is an updated alternative to older systems like the Wilks formula, which also aimed to compare powerlifters of different body weights. Many competitions and federations use DOTS as a standard for awarding lifters, particularly in categories like Best Overall Lifter, where lifters from different weight classes are competing.